Debt consolidation means taking multiple smaller debts and combining them into one larger debt. It can be a useful tool for simplifying your finances. Instead of several smaller payments coming out of your account at various times throughout the month, a single, larger amount is paid out once per month.
A debt consolidation loan is a loan taken out for the specific purpose of paying off numerous other debts. The basic theory is that by consolidating all the existing debts into a single new one, it becomes easier to manage your finances. While a valid option for simplifying your finances, there are many disadvantages to this approach.
With the above advantages and disadvantages in mind, we strongly recommend considering the following prior to committing to a debt consolidation loan.
If you aren’t struggling to repay your debts and are just looking to simplify your finances, a debt consolidation loan may be for you. However, if you are struggling with unaffordable debt, adding fees from a consolidation loan on top of this may make things worse.
Unfortunately, people in debt often think the only way to consolidate their debt is to take out a debt consolidation loan. This can be expensive as you usually end up paying extra interest on the new loan.
Fortunately, there are other methods of consolidating your debt, without incurring extra charges. At Cleanslate we offer several formal debt solutions that can help you repay your debt in a way that is affordable to you, freeze interest and charges and even write off unaffordable debt. Contact our team of expert advisors today to learn if we could help.